Wednesday, February 2, 2011

SDR-Cube SW Version 1.01

Some nice little improvements  Fer sure...

The Serial Flash Boot loader worked fine.  No issues.  The Splash screen upon startup shows version 1.01 but still shows the 27.11.10 date of v1.00.

One other minor detail.  If you are flashing an already calibrated si570 and an already image rejection balanced SDR-Cube running v1.00... please go into the menus and write those settings (and any others you need or can think of) down first BEFORE re-flashing the SDR-Cube to v1.01.   George, N2APB's instructions don't mention that.  If you don't... well you'll then need to re-calibrate the RX balance and the si570 calibration as it will wipe those clean!

There is now a TX balance.. I'm going to try to come up with a procedure for that that doesn't require test equipment.  On RX.. tune the si570 crystal value until WWV at 5.000 or 10.000 MHz comes in exactly on frequency.  For RX image rejection.  Find a strong, steady SWL station (I use Radio Havana @ 6.050 MHz as I can pick it up on my fillings here...)... tune the carrier to the LSB side, set the mode to USB and minimize the beat heard by the carrier by adjusting RX Q, RX X and minor tweaks by RX I.  This works as well as using a signal generator if you do it carefully.

Anyway... biggest improvement is the ability to change the wiring of the paddles.  It seems the European standard for iambic paddle wiring might be opposite of the US one.  I can now send code as it's not backwards as compared to ALL of my other rigs... (if the menu is set to "REV" for this!)

If I could only copy code well... I'd be set.  The SDR cube is a totally decent CW rig...(not anything like the Flex radio SDR's in this regard..)

I need to get a 40m PA going.. and a driver for the 100W and... well... the AN-762 100W amp going...  It's a lot of work building a HF rig from scratch.

By the way, I found some PIC32MX's that have the 0.5" pitch package.  I'm temped to order a second DSP card and put in a MX7xx series (which has USB and Ethernet -- so there are some pin s redefined-- but has 0.5mm pitch PF packages available)... and port it over to a PIC32 with Ethernet..

So many toys... so little time...

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